As humans we connect the present moment to reason. Most place reason ahead of the moment, in the future. And this philosophy is captured by saying, “Everything happens for a reason.” This implies the present moment is fulfilling the needs of a future reason, destiny.
But to me, reason lives behind the moment, in the past. Actions and re-actions of days gone by connect the dots of our lives, in hindsight, to the present moment. These dots of the past should reasonably connect. Why wouldn’t they?
Studying the connection of dots may in ways project outcomes of the foreseeable future. However, I refuse to accept the broader implications of destiny.
If the age old adage could be re-framed I would say, “Everything has reason.” The present can be explained and controlled by reason. But the future is not tethered to reason in the same way.
There’s a subtle distinction to be made. Tomorrow’s future does not dictate today’s present.
We are in control of our own lives, infinitely free to pursue our own version of destiny.
I place my destiny at the start of the Pacific Crest Trail. The possibilities are numbing. No one knows what will happen next.