And I must go.
We left Julian by 10 AM or so. A shuttle bus driver, for a price, drove three of us right back to we got picked up yesterday.

The last half of today’s hike was spent alone.
Alone, peace abounds in the desert mountains.
Like the wind, unpredictable gusts of peace stirred up emotions that nearly brought me to the point of tears.
The onset of peace can be unnerving; you can feel the threads of your life unwinding, threads that used to be intertwined.
In the wilderness, you can catch peace, bottle up as much as you want, and carry that bottle with you.
This gift is the lightest thing I carry with me each day. But this gift can only be mine as long as the trail permits. No one can take peace out of the wilderness.
If you seek peace, you will find peace here.
This is the opportunity of a lifetime.
Mile 91.