Van Conversion Week #2


Week 2 is in the books. The highlight video is linked below.

The tangible improvements include framing in the wheel wells and fitting a few wall studs that compromise the vertical framing.

The wheel wells were fairly straight forward. The 2″x2″ frame is fitted with 1-1/2″ foam board and 1/2″ plywood with free fill material in the middle. When all is said and done both wheel wells will be behind other installations.

The studs were trickier as irregular contoured metalworkings made fitting wall studs 16″ on center a custom job. And the job is not yet done.

What doesn’t show up this week are the design adjustments we made on paper. The van design from the trail will be similar to the finished product, but adjustments were necessary in a number of ways.

First, the roof mounts were off center, and covered in sheet metal in some places. This week we think we’ve fully adjusted the design to overcome the manufacturing defect.

Working with the vehicle answers some questions myself and the dealer didn’t know back when I ordered the van.

For example, “Where’s the battery?”

As it turns out, there are two of them, directly under the driver seat. And the adjustment in that case is the alignment of the wall between the living space and the cab. There needed to be enough roof to physically remove the battery from under the seat without a wall getting in the way. We checked that box this week.

Next week I’m predicting more visually significant progress for you all following along.

Stay tuned. I’ll throw up the next update on Friday morning.