Van Conversion Week #4


The back wall sets the square footage of the living space at roughly 40. Wall to wall and wall to wall we’re talking 8 feet x 5 feet. Those numbers are before the counter takes up space for the sink and stove top, ane before the refridgerator, conversion couch bed, and part of the closet take their due.

Behind the back wall the van extends five more feet. In this space room is left for the combo shower/toilet, storage, water and waste tanks aswell as the utility room of sorts. Without describing too much of the design, the back wall placement was critical to the design as each inch forward or backward cut into the shower room.

Monday and Tuesday of this week the van was in the shop to address a lingering manufacturing defect on the roof that’s kept us from mounting the solar panels. With a little cutting to expose the covered up roof mounts, we now have a generally straight line on each side of the van.

But with daytime temps in the mid 20s, we’ll have to wait for a short warm weather window to hop back on the roof.

Speaking of cold weather, one of the odd hiccups this week involved pipe threads. I did the local store run around to pick up some propane and propane accessories for the furnace in the van. To my surprise, the 3/8″ National Pipe Thread (NPT) coming off the propane tank did not match the 3/8″ fitting on the furnace. But get this, the fitting was a physical conversion from NPT on the furnance to something else hanging in the breeze, SAE (society of automotive engineers). Apparently that’s the standard for equipment installed in boats and cars and such. The more you know…