Should People Share Their Acts of Kindness?


Should people share their acts of kindness? We’ve all seen a video of someone doing something nice on YouTube or social media. A stranger catching the act on camera is one thing. But what if the person performing the act of kindness themselves films it and posts about it on social media?

Today I hit the streets of Portsmouth, New Hampshire to ask that question. As a guy who has now given 5 random acts of kindness to strangers around the U.S. and filmed it, I feel that I am qualified to take an honestly look at both sides of this question. This is a question people were quick to give strong answers about but I don’t think the answer is so simple.

I’m on a mission to give 1 random act of kindness in all 50 states as I travel across America in my DIY camper van.

How big can the acts of kindness get? Follow to find out.

If you want to find all the acts of kindness in one place check out this playlist:

Why am I giving these random acts of kindness?

Over the last decade I’ve walked across America on the Pacific Crest Trail and ridden a bicycle across America on the TransAmerica Trail. On both of those adventures many strangers have helped me in many ways: from hitchhiking, to feeding me and giving me a place to sleep. Those acts of kindness are now memories I will never forget.

Since that time a dream of mine has been to convert a van into a tiny home and travel in it across America. Originally I bought a Ford Transit cargo van back in 2016 with this dream in mind. I was ready and willing to get on the road right away. But life had other plans. Fortunately I was finally able to finish my van project in 2021 so now I live full time on the road. This is my way to travel the country and pay it forward.

We can do small things with great love.